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Andrei Kosterin | Consultant


Andrei Kosterin

Andrei Kosterin Audit and Tax Advisory Services, Deputy Director General for Audit

Before coming to UKey, Andrei worked for Finances, ZAO (as auditor’s assistant), IVS Auditors’ Company, ООО (as auditor, Audit Department Manager), AUDIT-Profit, ООО (as auditor). At UKey-Audit, he is in charge of audits, he checks most complicated areas during the course of auditing, organizes the auditors team activities and controls their work quality, prepares reports for clients. He takes part in handling disputable and unclear issues, he has on several occasions participated in considering tax disputes, managed tax optimization projects and has taken an active part in developing and improving UKey-Audit’s in-house standards, including implementing and improving worksheets and reports used in the course of auditing.

He graduated from Perm State University where he specialized in Accounting and Audit and in 2005, he was certified as auditor (general audit). He is a member of the Institute of Professional Auditors of Russia.

Andrei Kosterin has an extensive experience of supervising audits at many large enterprises, including GOZNAK Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Dobrynia Group of Companies, Yugokamsk Machine Building Plant, Perm Powder Plant Federal State-Owned Enterprise, Kizel Machine Building Plant, Kungur Milk Plant, Alendvik Group of Companies, Pervy Khleb, Sozvezdiye Perm Refrigerating Plant, Verra Motors Group of Companies, Sintez.