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Anatoly Matyushin | Consultant


Anatoly Matyushin

Anatoly Matyushin Head of Bankruptcy and Commercial Dispute Resolution Practices, Leading Consultant

Over 22 years, since 2001

  • Perm State University, Faculty of Law, major in Legal Studies
  • Institute for Further Training – Regional Management Center, professional retraining program in anti-crisis management, obtaining a license of an arbitration manager;
  • Russian School of Private Law, advanced training program "Specialist in the field of corporate law";
  • Law Institute "M Logos", advanced training program "Practical issues of preparing and conducting court cases";
  • STATUT Law School, advanced training program "Bankruptcy of enterprises: changes in legislation and arbitration practice";
  • STATUT Law School, advanced training program "Bankruptcy of organizations and citizens: commentary on novelties in legislation and analysis of judicial practice."

  • Resolution of various civil disputes, mainly in the field of corporate legal relations;
  • protection of the legitimate interests of clients (large companies and their beneficiaries) in arbitration disputes on commercial transactions;
  • support of clients' interests in bankruptcy cases.